Did your parents ever say or do stuff that you just had to laugh at or become amused at?? When we were naughty, Mum used to reach up to the heavens and shout "Lord give me strrrrrreennnnnnnngth!!" I mean I dunno if she expected lightening to strike down on her and make her powerful like Highlander but I used to look at her thinking "what the hell is she doing???" lol. She knows I love her
Dad used to say, "If you fall out that tree and break your legs, don't come running to me".... the sense is where???
my mum when she got angry with us never smacked me, instead she used to lob a bunch of keys in my direction. if they hit me she used to say "well you shouldnt have moved".
It aint when YOUR the parent My dad used to say to kids outside, "When I get 'old of you, I'll shove your teeth so far down your thoat you will need to stick your toothbrush up your arse to clean them"
one of my mates dad used to use my mates words againsed him for example: if there was an argument that ended up with a phrase like "f**k that" his dad would reply "ill f**k you in a minit"
I found this quite disturbing if not a little funny
LOL that sounds oh so wrong... I remember times where I's be upstairs banging around like youngsters do, and My Mum shouting carry on slaming I'm gonna slam you... or when I bang a door, she would say "If you bang that door again I'm gonna bang your fingers init"
LMAO... I know that one. I do it myself sometimes too. The kids will say "but he keeps poking me..." I would say "I'll bloody poke the pair of you in the bloody eyes if you don't stop bickering" They always end up giving me that arrogant look to say "no you wouldn't". Grrrrrr! I hate it when ya kids can read you