Bought one on saturday, it kicks ass. Our fish are fab, they each have their own personatilites and make us laugh. Does anyone have any fish? We currently have 7 different colours of fantail goldfish, one loach, one plec and a hong kong plec.
Well we currently have a very pathetic excuse of a fish tank which now only holds one fish. A black moor which is actually black and orange now. It did originally have 7 in there and they all had names of wrestlers. One by one they died til last year we was left with the black moor Booker T, and an orange fantail, Sharmel. Last summer Sharmel decided life with Booker was just too hard to cope with and threw herself to her death outside the tank. Booker now has to live with this on his conceinse for the rest of his entire life. He now spemds his time gliding aimlessly back and to with his head hung low and waiting for food to appear at the top of the water.