I recently purchased Star Wars; Lethal alliance for my DS, and I want to recommend it to any body who actually owns the DS, I picked it up brand new for only £9.99 ($19.97) from Game Station, and I must have spent most of the late afternoon right up till a hour ago playing, The controls are decent the graphics are OK and the game play and the features to me are rather stunning, now I must admit a non Star Wars fan wouldnt back this game up what so ever, and I must admit the timing of the game is pretty awesome also, they based it from what I can gather right in between both trilogies, Here comes some of the story and what not You are Twilek Rianna Saren, A skilled mercenary, you work for bounties from what I gather you go by the highest payer and do any job by any needs neccersery for the goal, At the moment Im in a imperial base trying to reach a warehouse where they are storing some sort of weapons or something and the aim is to get in there steel the goods and get back to your bounty barer at this moment its princess Leia but all that could change has I have worked for two people all ready and thats only in the first 2 levels of the game, oh I almost forgot you get a neat little droid that helps you break locks and double attacks with you to build up your team power If you are in two minds about Lethal Alliance Has I have been for a matter of weeks now, Do the right thing and purchase it at that price you surely couldnt go wrong. sXs
It was an excellant price. Even if it wasn't that good, it still was a good price. I don't think I'll play it as its not really my thing but I'm sure for all you SW freaks out there that you will love it.