Now It's a dead cert to me that the 5th of the Silent Hill series will take place on PS3, though from what you are about to read there is some news on it being possible to be a 360 release also.
I decided to plot this topic in PS3 due to the fact it is a all original Playstation title.
Akira Yamaoka has worked on Konami's Silent Hill series for a while now. He was producer on the PC version of Silent Hill3, but he's more famed for his work in the sound department. Yamaoka have given a few details on Silent Hill 5 in a recent magazine interview.
"At the moment I cannot reveal much detail on the story, or our progress, but I can tell you that this game will resemble Silent Hill 2 in the terms of the way the player is directed and the characters' behaviour," he told Game Pro magazine.
What platform the game will eventually appear on still seems up I the air. We reported in August 2004 that a final decision for what platform the game would release on wasn't set in stone. It was that long ago we were still calling Xbox 360 Xbox 2!
PlayStation 3 is the obvious target given the history of the series, but with a smaller install base than Xbox 360, could 5 be launching simultaneously on more than one console?
"At this time we are still not sure," confessed Yamaoka . "We are thinking of putting the next game on the next generation consoles like PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but we have had a good past experience with PlayStation [where the series was born] and we hope to continue that trend, but there are no definite plans as of yet."
As soon as anything official on the game is released, you'll find it on CVG. We're BIG fans.
I think this is gonna be brutal. I dont play the game as everyone will prolly realise (cos I'm naff at gaming lol) but I do usually help SXS try and solve the puzzles. The other games I thought were really eerie and quite scary and no doubt this is gonna be even more bizarre. SXS will prolly be secretly hoping it DOES come out on 360 and I'm secretly hoping he doesnt start wanting to buy yet another console just for this game. In all its gonna be more eerie, more scary, more bizarre, more addictive and no doubt an even better game play.
I reckon silent Hill pounds the hell out of any Resident Evil game. I lvoe both but Silent Hill is just so cool... Part 4 "the room" was a little off task but iI enjoyed every minute... I finished it twice.
Silent Hill 2 can't be beaten by any of the others.