Quick question basically asking how many games you own for your Wii and what are the games?
I got 5 games.....
In order of buying... Wii Sports (came with console) Sonic and the secret rings The legend of Zelda "twilight princess" Super Fruitfall WarioWare "smooth moves"
I also did have FarCry but didn't really get on with it.
I have to go with SXS with this... I do like the bowling muchness... Baseball ends up wrecking my arms lol. SXS got his pro bowling ball now Flash git!
ok: Wii Sports (bowling pwns!) Tiger Woods '07 (gameplay leaves a lot to be desired, but the controls r0xx0rz my s0xx0rz!) Excitetruck (YOU WILL BUY THIS GAME! ASSIMILATE!) Super Paper Mario (Side scrolling, semi 3-d RPG...what about this isn't revolutionary and groudbreakingly awesome!?!?!?)
"It's a little known fact that there are actually three sides to the force. Dark, Light, and Chuck Norris!"